- 22 October 2024, Portland, US Hands-on Introduction to Outcome Harvesting Pre-conference workshop at the American Evaluation Association (AEA) conference by Goele Scheers
- 07 – 21 November 2024, Online. Outcome Harvesting Training: Hands-on Outcome Harvesting Online training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith with 5 live sessions + self-guided study. Live sessions start at 19:00 CET, perfect for those living in the western hemisphere or those further east who want to study in the evening. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 24 September, Rimini, Italy Outcome Harvesting Training Beyond the Basics Pre-conference workshop at the European Evaluation Society (EES) conference by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith
- 24 Septiembre-8 Octubre: Curso virtual de 5 sesiones Cosecha de Alcances en Español. Natalia Ortiz & Alejandro Imbach
- 13 – 24 May 2024, Online. Outcome Harvesting Training: Hands-on Outcome Harvesting Online training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith with 5 live sessions + self-guided study. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 25, 26 March 2024, Paris. French language Outcome Harvesting training by Conny Hoitink in collaboration with F3E. This 2-day face-to-face training is blended with an online preparatory session and two follow-up sessions. Participants will work with their own case. For more information and registration click here. 25, 26 mars 2024, Paris. Formation Récolte des Effets par Conny Hoitink en collaboration avec F3E. Cette formation de deux jours en présentiel est combiné avec un webinaire préparatoire ainsi que deux webinaires de suivi. Les participants utiliseront leur propre cas de travail. For more information and registration Info et inscription ici.
- November 2023, Online. Outcome Harvesting Training: Hands-on Outcome Harvesting Online training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith with 5 live sessions + self-guided study. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 28th – 30th March 2023, Lanzarote, Spain. Outcome Harvesting Training: Hands-on Outcome Harvesting 2,5 day training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 20-22 June 2022, Paris. Summer School Outcome Harvesting in French – Université d’Été Récolte des Effets! Conny Hoitink & Isabelle de Geuser.
- 24 September 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark Hands-on Introduction to Outcome Harvesting Training Pre-conference workshop at the European Evaluation Society (EES) conference by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith
- 16 – 30 March 2022, Online. Outcome Harvesting Training: Hands-on Outcome Harvesting Online training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith with 5 live sessions + self-guided study. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 8 November – 9 December 2021, Online. Outcome Harvesting Training: Hands-on Outcome Harvesting Online training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith with 5 live sessions + self-guided study. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 14 June – 28 June 2021, Online. Outcome Harvesting Training: Hands-on Outcome Harvesting Online training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 22 February – 5 March 2021, Online. Outcome Harvesting Training: Hands-on Outcome Harvesting Online training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 19-29 October 2020, Online. Outcome Harvesting Training: Hands-on Outcome Harvesting Online training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 1-13 July 2020, Online. Outcome Harvesting Training: Hands-on Outcome Harvesting Online training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 13-15 May 2020, Stockholm, Sweden. Outcome Harvesting Training: Basics and Beyond 2,5 day hands-on training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 20 April 2020, Cape Town South Africa. Outcome Harvesting in markets system development. One day training by Steff Deprez at the Market Systems symposium.
- 16-20 March 2020, Washington DC. Adaptive Management Theory and Practice for International Development Adaptive management (AM) is a hot topic in the international development and humanitarian sector. It is widely regarded by donors and practitioners as necessary to effectively implementing programs in complex and volatile environments. What does adaptive management actually mean? How do we use adaptive management across different types of programs? What are specific tools and approaches of Adaptive Management? The course includes a section (day 5) on Outcome Harvesting, where it will be presented with and compared to other tools, and part of exercises that the participants do to explore applying tools.
- 13 November 2019. Hands-on Introduction to Outcome Harvesting Pre-conference workshop at the American Evaluation Association (AEA) conference in Minneapolis, US by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith.
- 31 JULY, 1 AUGUST 2019, Johannesburg, South Africa. Outcome Harvesting – An introduction to its theory and practice This workshop is to build participants understanding of the basic of the OH method such that as commissioners or conductors of evaluations, they can identify when it is appropriate to use this method to address questions. Participants will also be able to accurately use the steps and principles of the methods to support organisational learning and accountability. Trainer is Barbara Klugman. The workshop will be organised by Southern Hemisphere.
- 10-12 JUNE 2019, University of Bologna, Italy. Three-day Summer School Outcome Harvesting for Complex Development Programmes This workshop is for evaluators and commissioners of evaluations of development and social change with no previous experience with Outcome Harvesting and will be facilitated by Conny Hoitink. Early Review Deadline: April 30, 2019 General Application Deadline: May 18, 2019
- November 2019, Bristol, UK. Outcome Harvesting Training: Basics and Beyond 2,5 day hands-on training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.training
- 06 September 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece Introduction to Outcome Harvesting Pre-conference workshop at the European Evaluation Society (EES) conference by Goele Scheers and Wolfgang Richert
- 13-15 April 2017, Ghent, Belgium. Outcome Harvesting Training: Basics and Beyond 2,5 day hands-on training course in Outcome Harvesting by Goele Scheers and Richard Smith. For more information and to register please go to www.outcomeharvesting.traini