23 January 2025, 15.00 hrs CET / 14.00 hrs UTC, Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 21 – Outcome Harvesting as a Feminist and Localised MEL Approach

Join us for a discussion with Helene Bach and Waqas Naeem from International Media Support (IMS) on adapting Outcome Harvesting as a feminist and localised MEL approach. The MEL discours is shifting from ‘gender-sensitive MEL,’ which focuses on counting women’s participation and benefits, to ‘feminist MEL and gender transformative changes’ addressing and measuring power structures in programmes and MEL processes. This webinar will highlight insights from the IMS pilot project in Pakistan to discuss ways to strengthen feminist and localisation elements in OH.

Moderator: Goele Scheers, Independent Consultant & OH Community Facilitator

You can join using this Zoom Link 

Please find here the recording of the webinar. 

15 October 2024, 15.00 hrs CET / 13.00 hrs UTTC, Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 20 – AI-Driven Innovations for Outcome Harvesting: Tools and Principles

In this webinar you will learn how AI tools can enhance your Outcome Harvesting processes. Kornelia Rassmann will demonstrate how Qualia, an AI-powered interview platform, can be used to automate OH interviews. Heather Britt will explain how using principles can guide decisions about how and when to apply AI to support OH analysis. Finally Steve Powell will show how causal maps built with AI can support the visualisation of structured outcome data.

Moderator: Goele Scheers, Independent Consultant & OH Community Facilitator

Please find here the recording of the webinar. 

17 SEPTEMBER 2024, 15.00 hrs CET / 13.00 hrs UTTC, Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 19 – Digital Tools to Support Outcome Harvesting 

Join us for a webinar exploring digital tools for Outcome Harvesting. Steff Deprez, from Voices That Count, will showcase a custom-made dashboard that centralises and visualises OH data for organisations. Claire Mansfield will share the FAIR for ALL programme’s experience using Cognito Forms for digital Outcome Harvesting. Goele Scheers will present Tape, a collaborative tool that can be used to harvest, store, and formulate outcomes.

PresentersSteff Deprez, Managing Partner Voices That Count & Claire Mansfield, MEAL Advisor Oxfam Novib & Goele ScheersIndependent Consultant & OH Community Facilitator

Moderator: Goele Scheers 

Please find here the recording of the webinar.


29 de Agosto 2024, 14.00 hrs MX / 15.00 COL / 17:00 ARG, Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 18 – Introducción a la Cosecha de Alcances 

Este primer seminario web en español para la comunidad de práctica de Cosecha de Alcances dará una introducción a la metodología para aquellas personas quienes aún no conocen la Cosecha de Alcances o están empezando a aplicarla. La Cosecha de Alcances es una metodología participativa y enfocada en el uso que permite a evaluadores, donantes y gestores de proyectos y programas de desarrollo a identificar y entender los alcances a los cuales una intervención haya contribuido. 

Presentadoras: Carmen Wilson-Grau, Facilitadora de la Comunidad de Cosecha de Alcances y Evaluadora Independiente y Giovanna Montagner, Consultora – Evaluación y Medio Ambiente, Baastel 

Pueden encontrar aquí la grabación del seminario web. 

3 July 2024, 15.00 hrs CET, Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 17 – Practitioner Update on Outcome Harvesting + Attitude Change

Many OH practitioners wonder about how to address intangibles – especially attitudes –  within OH. Outcome Harvesting + Attitude Change (OH+AC) provides a way to meaningfully incorporate AttitudeChange while simultaneously upholding OH’s behavior-centered core principles.  To celebrate the June 2024 update of the OH+AC Guide, please join us to discuss “what’s new” in OH+AC learning, usage examples and ways to get involved, facilitated by four members of the OH+AC Advisory Team.

Moderator: Conny Hoitink, OH Community Facilitator

Please find here the recording of the webinar.

18 June 2024, 15.00 hrs CET Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 16 – To adapt or not to adapt? Retaining quality when tailoring Outcome Harvesting

The presenters will share the summary results of a retrospective analysis of eight OH studies where Pact tailored the OH approach to various program constraints, followed by detailed presentations of two Pact cases of OH tailoring and one case from Oxfam Novib that will highlight how they tailored OH to address a donor’s concern about bias in the methodology. This presentation was given at AEA 2023. In addition, we will share a prototype of a substantiation tool for OH practitioners soliciting inputs from our peers. This tool was born out of a vibrant discussion at the AEA 2023 session, which indicated a desire for supplementary guidance to aid practitioners in deciding which approach to substantiation is appropriate for each study. Presenters: Lauren Serpe, Technical Director of the Global Learning, Evidence and Impact (LEAP) team at Pact; Kyaw Thura Tun, Senior M&E Officer – ACHIEVE, Pact; Tripti Pande, Senior Officer LEAP at Pact; Karen Biesbrouck, MEL lead Oxfam Novib  Moderator: Carmen Wilson-Grau, OH Community Facilitator

Please find here the recording of the webinar.

8 February 2024, 3PM CET, Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 15 – Harvesting the Future: Leveraging AI for Outcome Harvesting 

Goele Scheers and Leon Hemkemeyer will explore the innovative use of Artificial Intelligence in Outcome Harvesting. They will help you gain an understanding of how generative AI can enhance OH practices, as they showcase the bots they developed specifically for this purpose. Moderator: Conny Hoitink, OH Community Facilitator

Please find here the recording and slides of the webinar.

21 December 2023, 15.00 hrs CET Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 14 – The power of story in adapting outcome harvesting to different contexts 

This is the first of three webinars to present the panels on OH that were part of this year´s American Evaluation Association Conference. This multi-paper session presents four examples of how Outcome Harvesting was applied in different sectors and regions, namely public health, digital development, and education in Africa and Europe. You can find more information here

Presenters: Chelsea Horváth, Founder Lionheart Data, LCC, Chris Allan, Executive Director Ajabu Advisors, Cesare Rossi, Evaluation Consultant, Reagan Ronald Ojok, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist at Ministry of Water and Environment in Uganda.   Moderator: Carmen Wilson-Grau, OH Community Facilitator.     


EN FRANCAIS    Le 17 novembre, 2023, 14.00 hrs CET Webinaire Communauté Récolte des Effets 13 – Évaluer le renforcement des capacités à travers la Récolte des Effets les possibilités et les limites 

L’Institut International de Planification et de l’Éducation (IIPE) d’UNESCO met fortement l’accent sur le développement des capacités des institutions gouvernementales dans tous ces programmes. En 2021, son programme “Améliorer le système édicatif haïtien par la planification et le pilotage stratégique” a été évalué utilisant la méthode Récolte des Effets. La session sera interactive et cherchera à échanger les expériences des participants en matièrer d’évaluation du développement des capacités. Une attention particulière sera accordée au contexte d’un pays en crise. Presentateurs.rices: Anna Haas, spécialiste de programme IIPE, Hélène Bessières, IIPE, Conny Hoitink, évaluatrice  Moderator: Goele Scheers, OH Community Facilitator     

Veuillez trouver ici l’enregistrement et les diapos utilisées

On 17 November 2023, 14.00 – 15.00 hrs CET, UTC+1  Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 13 – Evaluating capacity development through Outcome Harvesting – possibilities and limits  

UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) core mandate is capacity development of government institutions. In 2021, its programme “Improving the Haitian education system through planning and steering” (part I, part II) was evaluated using Outcome Harvesting. THe session will present the evaluation, its challenges and seek an internactive exchange of experiences from participants in evaluating capacity development.  Presenters: Anna Haas, Programme Specialist UNESCO IIEP, Hélène Bessières, Programme Specialist UNESCO IIPE, Conny Hoitink, evaluator. Moderator: Goele Scheers, OH Community Facilitator 

Please find here the recordings of the webinar as well as the slides used.

Ponge on OH

 On 16 June 2022, Dr Awour Ponge conducted a 2,5 hr webinar for over 400 people to introduce and discuss Outcome Harvesting. Find the recordings here:  Webinar introducing Outcome Harvesting by Dr Awuor Ponge 

10 June 2021, 14.00 hrs CET Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 12 – Outcome Harvesting for Monitoring – experiences from 20 Strategic Partnerships   

20 Dutch Strategic Partnerships used, proved and improved Outcome Harvesting for monitoring during their 5-year programmes to strengthen civil society capacity for lobby and advocacy. Last year, they compared their experiences with the intention of learning for improvement. After a short presentation of the main findings of the resulting report, its author Richard Smith will interview 5 practitioners on their experiences, how it helped their end evaluation and how they will continue using OH for monitoring. We will continue an open conversation with the practitioners in small breakout groups.

PresentersRichard Smith, independent consultant; Mary Kuira, Design and MEL specialist, Hivos East Africa; Karel Chambille, Evaluation manager Hivos; Ishma Soepriadi, MEAL coordinator Oxfam Indonesia; Karen Biesbrouck, MEL lead Oxfam Novib; Koen Faber, MEL expert Cordaid  Moderator: Conny Hoitink, OH Community Facilitator.      


25 May 2021, 15.30 hrs CET Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 11 – Lessons learned from combining Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting. 

There is increasing interest and practice around combining Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting around the globe, as well as questions about the differences between the two, and when it is best to use each one separately and when to combine. This webinar will review the newly released Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting: common concepts, differences and uses brief, and hear from a few practitioners of how they have used OM and OH together in a single program. PresentersGoele Scheers independent consultant, OMLC community steward and OH community facilitator; Richard Smith, independent consultant and chair of OMLC community; Julius Nyangaga, CEO Right Track Africa and OMLC advisor; Florence Etta, CEO & Principal Partner, GRAIDE International Development Evaluation Consulting, vice co-chair EVALSDGs; and Maya Reggev, Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning specialist. Moderators: Simon Hearn and Kaia Ambrose, OMLC community stewards; Carmen Wilson-Grau and Conny Hoitink, OH Community Facilitators.

NOTE: if you plan on joining this webinar, we ask that you review the brief ahead of time and submit any questions or comments you have (anonymously) so that we may address them during the webinar. 

Please find here the recording of this webinar.


24 September 2020, 15.00 hrs CET Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 10 – Planned and unanticipated roles of internal teams in OH evaluations. 

Lead members of internal evaluation teams from two organisations, together with their external OH evaluator, will reflect on their roles in learning-oriented evaluations. In case #1 CARE wanted to learn what works when strengthening the capacity of urban Bangladeshi women to claim their rights in factories, communities and households. In Case #2, OH was used to understand what difference the central secretariat of a global movement – Frontline AIDS – makes. The presenters hope to stimulate discussion and sharing by explaining why OH was chosen; the rationale, advantages and challenges of sharing evaluation roles between internal teams and the external evaluator; and the value of the OH process and evaluation findings to each organisation.  PresentersJoe Sutcliffe, Sr advisor Dignified Work, CARE int UK, Anna Downie, Lead Strategic Information, Frontline AIDS, Richard Smith, Independent consultant. Moderator: Conny Hoitink, OH community facilitator . 

Please find here the recordings of the webinar.


25 August 2020, 16.00 hrs CET  Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 9 – Indigenous-led Use and Adaptation of Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting for Organizational Cultural Safety in Health 

The Alliance for Healthier Communities and Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC) are working to build organizational equity, inclusion and culturally safe health care organizations in Ontario. In this presentation, we explore the ways that Outcome Mapping and Outcome Harvesting were adapted and combined to support the Ontario Indigenous Cultural Safety program in 2018. Their goal was to influence transformative changes in their health system boundary partners and develop a participatory and learning-oriented monitoring approach to surface the unpredictable and hard to measure organizational outcomes. PresentersHeidi Schaeffer, Advancing Change Together (ACT) Consulting. Moderator: Carmen Wilson-Grau, OH community facilitator. 

Please find here the recordings of the webinar.


21 July 2020, 16.00 hrs CET  Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 8 – Integrating Attitude Change into Outcome Harvesting 

This webinar will cover an emergent adaptation of Outcome Harvesting that integrates Attitude Change, for the evaluation of peace programs that address identity-based conflict. This approach is also anticipated to be useful in other programs in which Attitude Change is essential for achieving Outcomes and/or understanding how Outcomes happen. The presenters will address why and how Attitude Change is being integrated, what value it has added in pilot evaluations and next steps for further refinement and dissemination through Tearfund. PresentersMariam Tadros Fragility & Peacebuilding, Tearfund, Michelle Garred, Ripple – Peace Research & Consulting, LLC and Malaka Refai, independent consultant. Moderator: Conny Hoitink, OH community facilitator. 

Please find here the presentation and the recordings of the webinar.

18 June 2020 Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 7 – Using Outcome Harvesting to evaluate system-level changes 

Genowefa Blundo Canto and Nawalyath Soule Adam, researchers at the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (Cirad), will present how they adapted Outcome Harvesting to evaluate system-level changes linked to the scaling of Climate Information Services (CIS) in Senegal. Embedded in a broader evaluation project, they used OH to : 1)  evaluate how multiple actors at the national and local level changed their practices, interactions and actions by using CIS; 2) assess the contribution of the research partnership that led CIS development to these changes; 3) and reconstructing the impact pathway of the scaling process. Moderator: Goele Scheers, OH community facilitator.

Please find here the recordings of the webinar.

26 May 2020, 16.00 hrs CET Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 6 – Using Outcome Harvesting as an internal/external evaluation approach to evaluate dialogue processes in nine countries 

The European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) commissioned an evaluation to assess its dialogue processes in nine countries. Outcome Harvesting was choosen as a method and the EPD staff worked closely with the external evaluators to conduct the evaluation. In this webinar, the presenters explain the division of tasks between the EPD staff and evaluators and discuss the lessons learned.  In addition, they present how the findings could be used for internal learning and improving the dialogue approach. Presenters: Leon Hemkemeyer, Programmes Coordinator EPD, Goele Scheers, Independent Consultant, Richard Smith, Independent Consultant, Moderator: Carmen Wilson-Grau, OH community facilitator

Please find here the recordings of the webinar.

21 April 2020, 15.00 hrs CET Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 5 – Substantiating Outcomes in a Low-trust Environment Findings from an Outcome Harvesting evaluation of Demo Finland´s and NIMDs shared democracy support programme in Myanmar 
Demo Finalnd and NIMD are democracy assistance organizations supporting political parties and multiparty party dialogue in developing democracies. Their approach is characterized by bringing parties together to cooperate on political issues and thus strengthening multiparty democracy. They assist political parties to become more responsive and policy-focused, and provide democracy education programmes for politicians. The effectiveness of these types of interventions is hard to measure, and data-collection and triangulation in low-trust environment is especially difficult. In Myanmar, Demo Finland and NIMD implement a joint programme called Myanmar School of Politics since 2014. This session will present experiences with an evaluation of this programme using Outcome Harvesting, describing how outcomes represent progress towards programme objectives. Emphasis will be paid to the process of substantiation within the OH methodology: what are the challenges in substantiation of outcomes dealing with trust and sensitive issues? What is sufficient substantiation, and how to deal with biases? Presenters: Nic van der Jagt, NIMD; Jonna Haapanen, Demofinland Moderator: Goele Scheers, OH Community Facilitator. 
Please find here the recordings of the webinar.
9 April 2020, 15.00 hrs CET Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 4 – Experiences with remote (Outcome Harvesting) workshops 
Due to COVID-19 pandemic, most of us are facing new challenges working from home, specifically regarding face-to-face workshops. When normally we are able to gather a group of people to discuss project´s achievements, review Theories of Change and/or make sense of our evidence, it gets quite complicated having to do this remotely. Our three presenters will share with us their experience with virtual workshops including, tips tools and lessons learned. Steff Deprez will tell us about the use of Mural, Barbara will share some insights generated by participants in a couple of online evaluation workshops she has run recently, about how to make workshopping online manageable, and Sarah will talk about her experience using Plectica. Presenters: Steff Deprez, Voices that Count, Barbara Klugman, Barbara Klugman Concepts, Sarah Haddad, Dignity Jordan Moderator:  Goele Scheers, OH Community Facilitator. 
Please find here the presentation and the recordings of the webinar.
2 April 2020, 15.00 hrs CET Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 3 – Using Podio as a database and App for Outcome Harvesting 
Podio is a project management and collaboration software that can easily be used as a database for the outcomes that were collected through Outcome Harvesting. It is an easy to use tool that enables project teams and partners around the world to collaborate on their outcomes. In this webinar, Tea will first explain the basics of podio, Helene will then demonstrate how ActionAid used it for Outcome Harvesting and Goele will introduce the ‘OH app’ that the presenters created and which is available for everyone to use. Presenters: Helene Bach, ActionAid Denmark; Tea Meineche, ActionAid Denmark; Goele Scheers, Independent Consultant. Moderator: Conny Hoitink, OH Community Facilitator. 
Please find here the recordings of the webinar.
3 March 2020, 14.00 hrs CET  Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 2 – Outcome Harvesting and working with a Theory of Change–experiences in Mali and India 
Watershed is a partnership of 4 Netherlands-based NGOs that started in 2016, working together in 6 countries and internationally, towards universal access to water and sanitation, funded by the Dutch government “Dialogue and Dissent’ program. The partnership, and their locally contracted civil society organisations, mainly works to develop capacity of civil society to lobby and advocate for water security. As the Outcome Harvesting pilot took root in all countries, the annual, outcome-focused theory of change review process got enriched with the harvested outcomes. Presenters: Conny Hoitink, Wetlands International; Ruchika Shiva, IRC India; and Afou Bengaly, Wetlands International Mali. Moderator: Carmen Wilson-Grau, OH Community Facilitator. 
Please find here the presentation and the recordings of the webinar.
28 January 2020, 14.00 hrs CET  Outcome Harvesting Community Webinar 1 – Serving multiple purposes – Outcome Harvesting as a “joint venture” in a Consortium  
In 2017, the Human Rights and Dialogue Consortium (HRDC) was established as the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs reframed its support for the Middle East and North Africa into fewer strategic partners. The Consortium was tasked with a key challenge of developing ways of monitoring and assuring quality of the consolidated programme of the consortium. This presentation looks at how Outcome Harvesting as a “joint venture” became an intelligent tool of serving multiple purposes and not only that of monitoring.  Presenters: Søs Nissen, DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture; Francesco Castellani, Danish Institute for Human Rights (DIHR). Moderator: Goele Scheers, OH Community Facilitator. 
Please find here the presentation and the recordings of the webinar.