Many of the questions we are frequently asked about Outcome Harvesting, raise issues that we believe are of interest to other practitioners and would benefit from wider discussion. Similarly, we receive a wealth of ideas through email exchanges with fellow practitioners. Therefore, Ricardo Wilson-Grau arranged to host an Outcome Harvesting Forum on Dgroups, a platform for groups and communities in international development, which is non-commercial, respectful of privacy, and friendly  for low bandwidth users in the South. Equally important, the Forum is email based – once registered, you receive and can reply to posts directly from your email. Visit the Forum for more information.

If you would like to participate passively or actively in discussions on the principle, theory and practice of Outcome Harvesting, please register. The only required information is your name, organisation, country, email and a reason to join. You will receive an email from me asking that you confirm your request to join the Outcome Harvesting Forum. Then, you are ready to post and receive posts… all by email!