Outcome Harvesting Exchange Meeting Oct/Nov 2025

Over the past 10+ years, Outcome Harvesting has gained popularity and a growing number of users. Currently, we have over 900 members from around the world in our Outcome Harvesting Community, which has existed for about 8 years. We generated many new tools, presentations, insights, and practices over the years, which we discussed during our virtual community meetings, webinars, e-mail discussions, publications and blog posts. Live discussion so far only happened during conferences, which have a high density of topics and limited time for in-depth sharing and discussion. 

Many of you have expressed the wish to meet fellow OH practitioners face-to-face for more profound exchange and learning. Therefore we are planning to organise a face-to-face Outcome Harvesting exchange meeting around October/November 2025 that combines organised sessions with open spaces to share experiences and knowledge, explore challenges, and much more. You as community members will thus shape the meeting and its sessions. 

Here you will find a survey in which we would like to gauge your interest in such an event and pick your brains on any idea of how to make this happen, content-wise as well as in terms of costs and logistics. We are looking for opportunities to make this a low-cost event in a place accessible to OH practitioners from different countries. We would count on participants taking care of their own travel, accommodation and food unless we can secure external funding. 

We’re excited to meeting you next year! 

Goele, Carmen, Conny