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Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation Toolkit from WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing). Barbara Klugman developed this Toolkit, with inputs from Carmen Wilson-Grau and WIEGO team members, to support WIEGO and its partners in specific aspects of their monitoring and learning processes. It relies heavily on Outcome Harvesting and we hope they will be useful to other movements as well as monitoring and evaluation professionals, grant makers, managers, and implementers in the use of Outcome Harvesting during their work. The Toolkit has a series of eight tools, each with a different focus. You may need to use some of them together, 2022:

Change inside and out. An Outcome Harvesting plus Attitude Change toolkit for peacebuilders and other change makers Michelle Garred (Ripple Peace Research & Consulting)  and Malaka Refai (Tearfund), 2020. This toolkit, which is a trial version, presents an adaptation of Outcome Harvesting and includes changes in attitude to come to a better understanding of the processes of behaviour change and social change.

Terminology of Outcome Harvesting in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese, by Carmen Wilson-Grau, Goele Scheers and Conny Hoitink, 2021.

Traditional versus an Outcome Harvesting Evaluation, comparing and contrasting the main highlights of both modes of evaluation, written by Ricardo Wilson-Grau, 2016.

Outcome Harvesting in a page, written by Ricardo Wilson-Grau, 2015.

Outcome Harvesting brief, Ricardo Wilson-Grau and Heather Britt and published by the Ford Foundation MENA region, May 2012 and updated in November 2013. This briefing paper explains in 27 pages the approach and its six steps.

SMART M&E of Outcomes, guidance on formulating outcomes by Ricardo Wilson-Grau.

Tool for calculating clock and calendar time for an Outcome Harvest. Ricardo Wilson-Grau’s suggestions on how to calculate a time budget for an Outcome Harvest.


What is Outcome Harvesting? Video of Ricardo Wilson-Grau (Sept 2014) explaining the essence of the Outcome Harvesting approach to the Outcome Mapping Learning Community (< 3 minutes).

Folkekirkens Nødhjælp / DanChurchAid developed, in collaboration with five partners, three animated videos introducing Outcome Harvesting. The project participants were ActionAid Denmark, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Human Rights and Dialogue Consortium, ACT Church of Sweden, and DanChurchAid. Goele Sheers participated as a  consultant validating the video content:

Stine Chen explains in this series of videos,how to harvest outcomes and analyze the set of outcomes together with the participants during a workshop. The practical videos cover how to prepare an outcome harvesting workshop, the workshop set-up, tips for facilitating the harvest and the collective sensemaking of the outcome statements. The series is developed for Oxfam Novib in collaboration with Karen Biesbrouck and Martina Luskova:


Terminología de Cosecha de Alcances en inglés, español, francés y portugués / Terminology of Outcome Harvesting in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese, Carmen Wilson-Grau, Goele Scheers and Conny Hoitink, 2021.

Cosecha de Alcances en una página / Outcome Harvesting in a page in Spanish, Ricardo Wilson-Grau and Carmen Wilson-Grau, 2017.

Cosecha de Alcances / Outcome Harvesting brief in Spanish by Ricardo Wilson-Grau, 2015.


Folkekirkens Nødhjælp / DanChurchAid desarrollaron, en colaboración con cinco socios, tres videos animados introduciendo Cosecha de Alcances. En el  proyecto particiapron ActionAid Denmark, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Human Rights and Dialogue Consortium, ACT Church of Sweden, y DanChurchAid. Los guiones de la versión en español fue revisados por Carmen Wilson-Grau:

Boîte à outils de WIEGO (Femmes dat l’Emploi Informel: Globalisation et Organisation) pour le suivi, l’apprentissage et l’évaluation, 2023. Barbara Klugman a développé cette boîte à outils, avec les contributions de Carmen Wilson-Grau et des membres de l’équipe de WIEGO, pour soutenir WIEGO et ses partenaires dans des aspects spécifiques de leurs processus de suivi et d’apprentissage. Elle s’appuie fortement sur la Récolte des Effets (Outcome Harvesting) et nous espérons qu’elle sera utile à d’autres mouvements ainsi qu’aux professionnels du suivi et de l’évaluation, aux bailleurs, aux gestionnaires et aux responsables de la mise en œuvre dans l’utilisation de la Récolte des Effets au cours de leur travail. La boîte à outils comprend une série de huit outils, chacun ayant un objectif différent. Il se peut que vous deviez utiliser certains d’entre eux ensemble:

Introduction à la Récolte des Effets / Introduction to Outcome Harvesting in French, Ricardo Wilson-Grau, Greet Peersman and Nick Herft, 2021

Terminologe de Récolte des Effets en anglais, espagnol, français et portugais / Terminology of Outcome Harvesting in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese, Carmen Wilson-Grau, Goele Scheers and Conny Hoitink, 2021.

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